About Frank Nicolaï

Frank Nicolaï (°1966) is active as a painter, draftsman, photographer and multimedia artist. He has exhibited regularly in Belgium and/or abroad since 1990. He studied photography, multimedia and sciences. He ran a communications agency specialized in graphic media for many years. Together with his daughter Eleonore, he runs a company that combines art with fashion ( which has given his artistic career a new impulse.

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Frank Nicolaï usually works in series that are substantively demarcated according to a specific theme, performed with different techniques in such a way that separate substantive wholes are created. Consciously exploring the boundaries between photography and painting and other art forms is a recurring theme. His art is furthermore characterized by a
substantive layering behind which an allegorical theme is hidden.

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In his painting Frank Nicolaï works both figuratively and abstractly or in the border area between them. A work that appears abstract at first glance contains stylized forms such as human figures or symbols of civilization on closer inspection. Pronounced variations in colour, composition and technique characterize his art, a fact that he seems to seek systematically and purposefully. His abstract works are often form studies in which he contrasts such as structure vs formlessness, order vs chaos, 2D vs. 3D dialogue with each other. In his figurative work he often uses a narrative motif within another narrative motif: “A Story within a Story”. Or he juggles the distinction between 2D and 3D, adding a metaphysical dimension to these works. In his art Frank Nicolaï tells a very personal and unique story, averse to all social conventions or styles. Beyond the often frivolous jest of certain figurative series, more serious social and human themes emerge, all set in the context of a contemporary modernity with all its facets and challenges.

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